External Advisors Meeting
The NRA policy is, acknowledging the importance of proactively incorporating the latest overseas knowledge concerning the safety of the use of nuclear energy, to invite foreign experts from universities, research institutes and private sectors, who have specialized knowledge and experiences, to provide opinions on its regulation. According to the policy, the NRA appoints experienced foreign experts as “External Advisors” for NRA Commission to obtain advice on issues of nuclear regulation. Since December 2012, external advisors meetings have been held periodically between the NRA Commission members and External Advisors to deliver advice on topics of each meeting through discussion.
External Advisors for NRA Commission
Richard A. Meserve
Former U.S. NRC Chairman, USA
Former Chairperson of INSAG, IAEA
NRA External Advisor since Oct. 2023
Dana Drábová
Chairperson of SUJB, Czech Republic
Former Chairperson of CSS, IAEA
NRA External Advisor since Oct. 2023
Philippe Jamet
Former ASN Commissioner, French Republic
Former Director of Nuclear Installation Safety Division, IAEA
NRA External Advisor since Oct. 2023
Rumina Velshi
Former President and CEO of CNSC, Canada
Chairperson of CSS, IAEA
NRA External Advisor since Oct. 2023
Past Meetings
FY 2024
- 11 Nov. 2024
- Link to YouTube
- Documents for the Meeting
- Topic1 Risk Informed Regulation in Japan【PDF:172KB】
- Topic2 Recruitment, Training and Retaining of Personnel for the Regulatory Body【PDF:112KB】
FY 2023
- 9 Nov. 2023
- Link to YouTube
- Documents for the Meeting
- 01-1 (Topic 1) Note&Qs【PDF:87KB】
- 01-2 (Topic 1) Information Sheet【PDF:360KB】
- 02-1 (Topic 2) Note&Qs【PDF:80KB】
- 02-2 (Topic 2) Information Sheet【PDF:287KB】
- 9 May. 2023
- Link to YouTube
- Documents for the Meeting
- Note for the topic “Way to Ensure Safety of Long-term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants”【PDF:104KB】
- (Supp.Doc.)Info._Establishment of the Study Team on Continuous Improvement of Safety【PDF:3MB】
- 1. Physical Ageing【PDF:246KB】
- 2. LTO System【PDF:300KB】
- 3. Obsolescence【PDF:92KB】
- 4. NRA Regulatory System and IAEA SSG25-48【PDF:148KB】
FY 2022
- 5 May. 2022
- Link to YouTube
- Documents for the Meeting
- 1. Follow-up on Correspondence between the NRA and the External Advisors for FY2021【PDF:247KB】
- 2. Effective Use of Convention on Nuclear Safety and of Joint Convention in Nuclear Regulation【PDF:99KB】
FY 2021
- 21 AUG. 2021~
28 APR. 2022 - Advisors’ Advice/Comments in Writing
- (Dated on 28 APR. 2022) NRA Comments on Advisors’ Advice/Comments Received for Two Issues【PDF:247KB】
- 1-1. ALPS Treated Water (Dated on 21 AUG. 2021)【PDF:248KB】
- 1-2. Attachment to Topic1 (Dated on 21 AUG. 2021)【PDF:58KB】
- 2. Security Incidents at TEPCO Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPS (Dated on 21 AUG. 2021)【PDF:222KB】
FY 2020
- 25 Nov. 2020
- Link to YouTube
- Documents for the Meeting
- 1. Business Permit of JNFL Rokkasho Reprocessing Facility【PDF:3MB】
- 2. Implementation Status of New Oversight Program【PDF:538KB】
FY 2019
- 5 Nov. 2019
- Link to YouTube
- Documents for the Meeting
- 1. International Standards and National Regulations【PDF:1MB】
- 2. Communications with Stakehoders【PDF:1MB】
- 1 Apr. 2019
- Link to YouTube
- Documents for the Meeting
- 1. Application of back-fitting rules【PDF:272KB】
- 2. Disposal Clearance of waste【PDF:41KB】
FY 2018
- 30 Nov. 2018
- Link to YouTube